Mark your calendars! The October meeting of the W4/7 NPA will feature City Councilor Sarah Carpenter as moderator.
Part 1 is a dynamic panel addressing housing challenges and changes proposed by Montpelier and Burlington to zoning regulations. Meagan Tuttle, City Planning Director, will join us to answer questions on the BTV Neighborhood Code and "neighborhood scale" housing alternatives being considered. Panelists include State Treasure Mike Pieciak, Senators Martine Larocque Gulick and Kesha Ram Hinsdale and Representative Carol Ode
Part 2 will feature Megan Moir, the City's Division Director for Burlington Water Resources will provide an update on the NNE sewer repairs from this summer's pipe breaks.
We hope to see you live and in-person! (or by zoom)
Join online:
Wards 4/7 Neighborhood Planning Assembly Meeting
October 25, 7-9 PM
Online via Zoom & In-Person at Miller Center Community Room 130 Gosse Ct.
Ward 4/7 NPA Zoom Link at
One tap mobile: US: +13017158592,85494151752# or +13126266799,,85494151752#
Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US:+1 301 715-8592 or +1 312 626-6799 or +1 929 205-6099 or +1 253 215-8782
Webinar ID: 854 9415 1752
6:45 - 7:00 Arrival & Sign In
7:00 – 7:05 Introductions & Ground Rules
7:10 – 8:10 Homelessness, Housing & the Goal Towards Healthy Neighborhoods
Moderator: Sarah Carpenter, Councilor, Ward 4
- Mike Pieciak, Vermont State Treasurer
- Kesha Ram Hinsdale, State Senator Chittenden-Southeast & Chair of the Housing Committee
- Martine Larocque Gulick, State Senator Chittenden Central, Committee on Health and Welfare
- Carol Ode, House Representative Chittenden District 6-18
- Meagan Tuttle, Director, Burlington City Planning
8:10– 8:30 Question & Answer Session
8:30 –9:00 Update - Sewer Break and Repairs
Megan Moir, Burlington City's Division director for Burlington Water Resources
9:00 Adjourn
Meeting Rules - Listen to others speaking. Respect the Agenda and Process. Share your opinion politely. Treat people respectfully.
"Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care". Theodore Roosevelt
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