The Story of Jeffrey Brace: Slave and Revolutionary War

Past event
Oct 21, 2023, 10:30 AM to 12 PM

When: Saturday, October 21, 2023, 10:30 a.m. to noon
Where: Attend In-Person or by Zoom webinar
Cost: $10.00

Join genealogist Joanne Polanshek as she takes us on a journey describing how her genealogical curiosity helped unveil the story of an incredible man. You'll learn how this historically significant Vermonter gained his manumission from slavery. Joanne will take us from his capture as an innocent African village boy to his struggles in gaining his Revolutionary War pension. She will explain how her genealogical research uncovered incredible documents which tell a story that is both sad and inspiring.

This class will be a hybrid meeting. You may attend in-person at the library or by Zoom and it will run from 10:30 AM to noon. Please visit our website, for additional details and to register.

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Event Info

Vermont Genealogy Library, 57 River Rd, (RT 117) Essex Jct., Vermont.

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