The Gloaming

Past event
Oct 27 to 28, 2023

Come join the Burke Community for two nights of spooky fun in East Burke Village!

FRIDAY 3-5pm
Pumpkin carving on the green at the East Burke Library. Pumpkin carving kits will be provided by Greer's Auto and Union Bank will have a free pumpkin for the first 35 participants.

Free glo-sticks for kids will be given out at the Pumpkin Carving or you can pick them up at East Burke Market.

The main event! The carved pumpkins will be displayed along a Haunted Trail going from behind East Burke Market to the Kingdom Trails pump track and East Burke School. Spooky and non-spooky trails will be offered. East Burke School will have a trick or treating station set up at the end of the trail as well as some freshly made, hot mulled cider.

Cafe Lotti will be open with fun activities like pumpkin shot-put!

Lots of cars will be decked out for Trunk or Treat fun over at the East Burke Sports/Sport Thoma parking lot. If you want to sign up to bring your car and set up for Trunk or Treat, email or stop by East Burke Market and talk to Kellie.

The East Burke Library will have a fairy garden house set up. The Burke Mountain Club will have a fairy garden house. "Due to all the rain and flooding this year our Fairy friends need us to build them a shelter for the winter, they've asked for our help. So please come to the East Burke Library and build a home for a fairy family. The village will be set up in the library garden and people can come by anytime to check on the fairies." Sponsored by Farm, Field, & Forest.

At the gazebo on the library green, local storyteller Joe Welch will share some spooky tales with kids of all ages.

Village homes and businesses will also be welcoming trick or treaters. Look for the black and orange balloons to know where kids are welcome and bowls are filled with candy!

Following your tricks & treats and haunted trail adventures, head to The Village Inn for hot apple cider (plus some adult bevs at The Sloshie Shed) and an outdoor movie. The Hocus Pocus movie will begin at 6pm.


This event is sponsored by East Burke Market, Greer's Auto, Union Bank, Titan Energy, Kingdom Trails and the Burke Area Chamber of Commerce with assistance from local businesses and the Burke Community.

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East Burke Village, VT

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