Large animals, especially, need large blocks of intact forest like our Coburn Hill Town Forest for their the extensive territories they need to find food and mates. Some birds, many of them our migrating warblers, need intact forest blocks as well for a suitable habitat. Large forest blocks also maintain air and water quality for all life.
Come see the important ecological role the Coburn Hill Town Forest plays in the natural heritage of Craftsbury. Join members of the Craftsbury Planning Commission, Craftsbury Conservation Commission and the Craftsbury Selectboard on the woods walk, Saturday, October 21, 10am - noon. Craftsbury Town Forest, Coburn Hill Road.
Directions: The Town Forest is 1.25 miles north on Coburn Hill Road (from the junction of Coburn Hill Road and Mastin Road). Parking is limited at the Town Forest - please carpool!
For more information, contact Farley Brown, both Craftsbury Planning Commission and Conservation Commission member
Mar 7, 2025, 10 to 11:35 AM
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