Keys Bags Names Words is an international documentary focusing on Alzheimer's and dementia. It follows a cohort of young scientists and artists from around the world as they harness every aspect of creativity, humor and compassion to lead the way towards hope and resilience. Through a series of personal experiences, different people around the world share how they have adapted to a diagnosis of dementia.
The Alzheimer's Association Vermont Chapter, AARP of Vermont, Vermont Department of Health, COVE, Cathedral Square, and SASH (Support and Services at Home) have partnered together to offer you a link to stream this movie anytime from October 12-18, 2023. Don't miss this powerful new international film that explores the ways we can protect our brain health, connect with our loved ones and live a higher quality of life, even after diagnosis.
Click Here to receive the streaming link You will also find information for our virtual community conversation about the movie on Wednesday, October 18th at 7:00PM, we hope you will join us.