Yard Sale - Ford Ln - Oct. 13-14

Past event
Oct 13 to 14, 2023

Huge yard sale. On Ford Lane. Colchester. Everything must go!

Lots and lots of clothes all .50 cents each. Women's sizes small, medium, large. Men's sizes XL & XXL
Lots of HATS (Winter & Baseball hats), Scarves, Mittens, Gloves for children's, men's & women's all .50 cents each.
Misc. household items. College dorm items. Curtains. Bedding. Crafts. Toys & games. Sports items. Bean Bag like new.
And lots more at very very low prices!

Friday, Oct. 13 from 11:00am. to 4:00pm.
Saturday, Oct. 14 from 8:00am. to 1:00 pm.

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