The 5 Town Partnership will be sponsoring Share the Warmth: A Winter Outerwear Giveaway on Saturday, October 21 from 10:00am - 1:00pm on the Bristol Town Green. Everyone is invited to come take whatever they need for the upcoming winter season. We will have winter coats, snow pants, winter boots, winter hats, mittens, gloves, scarves, and socks. It is all free!
We welcome volunteers to help with the sorting of the items on Thursday 10/19 in the basement of St. Ambrose. We also welcome help on the day of the event with setting up and taking down. If you are willing to volunteer your time on one or both of those days, please sign up at
Donations of clean, like new winter items are accepted until October 18th at the following locations: St. Ambrose Rectory Porch (11 School St. Bristol), Monkton Friends Church - left on the porch, New Haven Congregational Church - left in the tote by the front door, Robinson Elementary School - under the overhang outside the multipurpose room door. We are unable to accept donations the day of the event.
The 5 Town Partnership is a collaboration of churches, non-profits, and charitable minded people serving residents of Bristol, Lincoln, Monkton, New Haven and Starksboro. You can learn more by going to our website at
Mar 10, 2025, 7 PM
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