Discussion Series at the Castleton Free Library

Past event
Oct 7, 2014, 7 to 8:30 PM

Beginning on October 7 at 7 pm, Castleton Free Library will be offering a 6-week program series called Menu for the Future. This is a six-session discussion series about sustainable food systems. It is accompanied by a book of readings which each participant will be able to borrow from the library. This is the third of this type of the program that the library has offered and they have resulted in wonderful discussions, new friendships and a sharing of common interests as well as different viewpoints.
The Menu for the Future readings:
• explore food systems and their impacts of culture, society, and ecological systems
• offer insights into agricultural practices that promote personal and ecological well-being
• initiate conversations about our roles in creating or supporting sustainable food systems
Please call or email the library to register, because there will be a limited number of spots for the program. Our phone is 468-5574; email is castletonfreelibrary@gmail.org. Ask to speak with Jan or Meg. The books should be here in a few days.

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