A "Meet the Candidates" BBQ will be held Sunday, Sept. 7 from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Performance Pavilion in Maple Street Park in Essex Junction. The BBQ is being offered by the Essex Town Republican Committee, and all Chittenden County Republican House and Senate candidates have been invited to attend as well state-wide Republican candidates. The event will include hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, pasta and vegetable salad, chips, dessert, and drinks. Cost is $10 per person, $15 for two, and $20 for a family, no limit on numbers. There will be several door prizes including a $100 gift card to The Essex and a Vermont Teddy Bear, as well as a 50/50 drawing and music. This is an ideal time for Essex Republicans to meet their candidates while the weather is still favorable for events. Please tell your friends in other towns about the BBQ.
Mar 3, 2025, 5 to 6:30 PM
Annual St Thomas Baked Fish DinnerMar 7, 2025, 5 to 6 PM
Infant Story TimeMar 10, 2025, 10:30 to 11 AM