4:00 Executive Session at the Town Office to interview candidates for positions of Treasurer and Road Foreman, under 1 VSA Section 313 (a)(3) regarding the appointment of a public employee. Develop addendum re: hiring of Road Foreman to union contract. The remainder of the public meeting will take place at the Town Hall. It is possible that the Selectboard will arrive a bit late if the Executive Session takes more than 2 hours.
6:00 Additions or Changes to Agenda and Administrative Items
Approve Minutes of September 25 and September 26
Sign Board Orders
Announce results of CVRPC traffic study on County Road, which does not support lowering the speed limit from 50 to 40 mph
Knudtson Curb Cut Application, Jack Hill Road. Possible Action: Approve, condition or deny application
Authorize change to Grand List and sign PVR Certificate to amend one or more 2023 tax bills
Appoint Tom McCardle to Town Administrator Hiring Committee (Donna Fitch and Judy Robert have stepped off)
6:35 Public Comment: Up to 15 minutes; time will be divided so that everyone has equal time to speak
6:50 Highway Dept. Issues: Toby Talbot
Purchase of a new 10-wheel dump truck. The Hwy. Dept. will present a proposal which may include an opportunity to receive up to 30% of the cost paid for by a grant or aid. Possible Action: Approve ordering of a new truck for the town highway department.
Opportunity for purchase of boom mower
Contract with Dubois and King for Culvert Replacement Scoping Study on Kent Hill Road. Possible Action: Sign contract.
7:10 FY'25 Budget: The following will make or submit proposals for their section of the budget:
Teegan Dykeman-Brown: Town Clerk
John McCullough: Listers, Zoning Administrator, and Town Hall
Ryan Edwards: Development Review Board. The DRB requests that their usual annual budget of $400 remain the same for FY'25
Daniel Keeney: Swim Committee
Juanita Nunn: Cemetery Commission
Nick Emlen: Emergency Management. EM has requested consideration of creating a $5,000 Emergency Management Reserve Fund for use by the EM committee during an emergency.
We will also review updates to the SB portion of the budget
8:30 Selectboard Reports
Roads: Anne Toolan and Jamie Moorby
Curtis Pond Dam: Jamie Moorby and Gabrielle Malina
IT Needs: Jordan Keyes
8:45 Target Adjournment
Note: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if items are completed more quickly than anticipated.
Mar 8, 2025, 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Ten Minute Play Festival AuditionsMar 11, 2025, 7 to 8 PM
Wednesday Afternoon at the Adamant Coop!Mar 12, 2025, 3 to 4:30 PM