1920's Murder Mystery Night - *Registration Required*

Past event
Oct 18, 2023, 6 to 8 PM

Georgia Public Library invites you to a night of mystery and mocktails!

It is the height of the Jazz Age, and social revolution is afoot. Furthermore, this is the age of Prohibition—and of bootleggers and gangsters. Club owner Felix Fontano, the son of a successful bootlegger and crime boss—and a successful businessman himself—is throwing this private party for a group of select friends. It is a night of revelry like many other nights of revelry enjoyed by this group of sophisticates, artists and hoodlums . . . until things go horribly wrong.

Come dressed in your best 1920's attire if you would like. (Costumes are encouraged but not required!)

**Registration is required for this event. Follow this link to sign up: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/muder-mystery-and-mocktail-night-tickets-726858482287?aff=oddtdtcreator

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Event Info

Town of Georgia Public Library, Ethan Allen Highway, Georgia, VT

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