Survivor Art 🌻 Removing the Mask: Let's Talk About CSA

Past event
Oct 6, 2023, 4 to 8 PM

Removing the Mask: Let's Talk about Child Sexual Abuse (CSA)
Art Show at MSAC thru Nov. 7,
🌻🌻Artist Reception & Tabling during Art Walk!🌻🌻

Pat Harrington's paintings--on canvas and wooden bowls--tell her powerful story of surviving CSA, demonstrate the use of art as a healing tool, and call the public to action to prevent harm to children. The show will remain for another month after Art Walk, and MSAC is open M-F, 9-4.

🌻Nationally, up to 1/3 of girls, 1/4 boys and 1/2 gender-nonconforming youth are impacted by child sexual abuse by age 18. A content warning is advised when viewing this art show, and resources are available near the exhibit as well as at all four related events happening 10/19 to 11/6 (two more at MSAC, one at TW Wood), where trained advocates and social workers will also be present. Please join us. Facebook event: To hear more about the artist's story, see video: 🌻

🌻Mosaic Vermont is Washington County's sexual violence response and prevention organization, and a partner of MSAC. The community is encouraged to call Mosaic's 24/7 Helpline if support is needed: 802-479-5577. 🌻

🌻Three more upcoming events in the series, all FREE and WELCOMING ALL PEOPLE🌻

🌻Community Healing Art Workshop
Thur Oct 19, 6:30-8pm, at TW Wood, 46 Barre St.
Mosaic staff provide materials and guidance, and we invite you to create a healing, nurturing vision for children. No artistic skills necessary. (please pre-register!)

🌻Preventing CSA: A Panel Discussion with Q&A
Mon Oct 23, 5:30-7:30pm, at MSAC
Professionals and a survivor discuss existing strategies, what bystanders can do, and options for getting involved. Refreshments and art browsing 5:30; event 6pm.

🌻Community Conversation: CSA in Our Community
Mon Nov 6, 5:30pm-7:30pm, , at MSAC
Mosaic Vermont staff facilitate a conversation seeking community feedback and ideas for caring for children and youth impacted by sexual violence. Refreshments and art browsing 5:30; event 6pm.

Questions or register for 10/19 art workshop:
802-476-1388 ext.1003.

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Montpelier Senior Activity Center, 58 Barre St, Montpelier, VT

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