Involed in a Conservation Commission or Interested in Starting One?
Current members of an Addison County conservation commission, and anyone interested in starting a conservation commission in their city or town is invited to a summit on Saturday morning, November 4th at Bristol's Holley Hall. The intent of the summit is to move towards working together collaboratively and regionally on issues of common concern, such as climate change mitigation, water, habitat connectivity and educational programs about conservation. We will also share information about how our conservation commissions operate effectively. Our keynote speaker will be Representative Amy Sheldon, a natural resource planner with expertise in conservation planning, watershed assessment, community engagement and GIS mapping. Amy is a member of the Middlebury Conservation Commission and a Vermont state representative, chairing the House Committee on Environment and Energy.
Who: Anyone who is a member of a conservation commission in Addison County and any Addison County resident with an interest in conservation who wants to explore what might be possible in terms of forming a conservation commission in their own town or city. Members of existing conservation commissions will share their knowledge and experience.
RSVP via an email with your name and town by Friday, October 20th to Heidi Willis, Salisbury Conservation Commission,
Cost: By free-will donation to cover refreshments and any other unanticipated expenses (excess donations beyond expenses will be directed to Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative).
Questions? If you have questions or suggestions, contact Katherine Branch, Cornwall Conservation Commission, at
Mar 7, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM
Stillwater MeditationMar 8, 2025, 9 to 10 AM
Community Walk at Shelburne Bay ParkMar 9, 2025, 10 to 11:30 AM