All quality items in good working order:
Garden: Ryobi ZT480ex zero turn electric lawn mower, backpack weed sprayer, various garden tools, wheelbarrow, Earthway garden spreader, large decorative planters, numerous hoses and sprinklers
Garage/Tools: unused wood, portable work bench, saw horses, DeWALT 6" bench grinder, 7' Fiberglass step ladder, 4' Fiberglass step ladder, Shop Vac, Festoon OS 400,
Furniture/Electroncs: mahogany hutch, mahogany serving side board, DVD players, 65" Samsung 4K TV, Lane Cedar Chest, modern desk and 2 office chairs, couch (90"), 2 drawer black file cabinet, numerous small tables, lamps, various easy chairs, TV media cabinet, 4 bar stools (32" height), modern industrial style standard lamp (3 lights),
Kitchen/Household: Sewing machine, iron, ironing board, coolers, Market Umbrella, Table mats, Instapot, water bottles and much kitchen miscellanea, Crystal glasses, OXO containers, serving dishes, crystal bowls, English decorative china, Books. Pictures/Frames. Fans. Pillows.
Seasonal/Sports: Ladies golf clubs, misc Men's Clubs including Great Big Bertha, Heaven Wood, Snowshoes (mens), folding chairs, snow shovels, snow scoop, badminton lawn set, Christmas and Halloween decs
Kids: portable chair for toddler, pack n'play,
Mar 6, 2025, 8 to 10 AM
Fly Tying ClassesMar 6, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
Calais Planning Commission Meeting, March 6Mar 6, 2025, 7 PM