Recognizing Dis-And Misinformation and Why It Matters

Past event
Oct 4, 2023, 1 to 2 PM

The Lamoille Valley Osher Lifelong Learning Institute will present Dr Cheryl Casey, Professor of Communication and Media, Champlain College, to discuss the rampant scourge of dis-and misinformation: hardly new players in the information environment, but transformed in scope and impact by computer networks and algorithmic code. With communication technologies rapidly evolving, we are faced with greater challenges than ever to be intentional and effective seekers, consumers, and producers of information. Join us as we investigate taking back our very freedom of thought from those who would hijack our information landscape in the name of power and profit.

To register for this or all lectures go to or call 802-656-5817 (M-F, 8am-2pm) or we will assist you at the door. Individual lectures are $8.

We meet at the Stowe Cinema Triplex, 454 Mountain Road, Wednesday Oct. 4 from 1-2 PM

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