Town Wide Tag Sale at Plymouth Community Center

Past event
Oct 8, 2023, 9 AM to 6 PM

The 11th Annual Town-Wide Plymouth Tag Sale will happen again on Sunday October 8th, from 9am-6pm at The Plymouth Community Center.

If you would like to be a vendor and sell your treasures, sign up for table space by contacting Lauren Skaskiw at 802 417 6895.

How to Participate as a Vendor at theTag Sale -

Securely attach a tag to every item. Each tag must have both (a) your initials, and (b) the price. (We cannot negotiate a price on your behalf, however you can change prices on your unsold items at anytime during the sale.) Please use 3 initials on your tags, to avoid possible duplication!

Note: We strongly suggest that you use actual tags - ideally, the kind with little strings - and attach them securely with safety pins or by tying the string to your item. We have learned that adhesive labels, tape, and safety pin-secured tags tend to fall off. If your tag falls off, or we cannot read what it says, we will not be able to sell the item.

Deliver your Tag Sale items to the Plymouth Community Center on the following days and times: Sunday Oct 1st noon-3pm
Friday Oct 6th 1pm-4pm
Saturday Oct 7th, noon-3pm

We will have tables for display. You can also provide your own display, if you wish. And, in general, if you have a table to loan us, it will be a big help. You are responsible for displaying your items. Tables and floor space are available on a first-come, first-served basis. However, your items do not have to be segregated from other people's items because the tags identify what belongs to you no matter where they are displayed.

While delivering your items, please sign up for a shift to help staff the event. We need 2 volunteers for each of the following shifts:

9 am - 12pm

Please plan to pick up what does not sell on the following dates and times:
Monday, Oct 9th 11am-2pm
Tuesday Oct 10th, 4pm-6pm

Anything unclaimed will be offered to Black River Good Neighbor Services, Thrift Store/Food Shelf. Anything they do not want will be disposed of through the Plymouth Transfer Station.

Cost: There will be a small fee to participate as a vendor. The fee offsets the cost of printing flyers, making sandwich boards to advertise the event, and disposal cost. The fee is $5, and will be subtracted from your total sales. (So, if you don't sell anything, you won't pay anything. And if you sell less than $5, you will only pay the amount you sold. Everything over the first $5 will go to you.)

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Event Info

35 School Drive, Plymouth, VT

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