Town of Richmond
Recreation Committee Meeting Agenda
Tues, Oct 3, 2023 at 7 - 8:30 PM
Hybrid- Town Office Conference Room, 3rd Floor
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 5730 2307
Passcode: 639340
I. Call to Order (by 7:05pm)
II. Welcome
III. Public comment for non-agenda items (7:05-7:15)
IV. Business: (7:40 - 8:30) A. Administration:
i. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting: 9.5.2023[...]pdf
ii. Duncan - Park Use Events.
B. Information about the soccer league. What support do they need looking forward to 2024? (Kate or invited guest)
C. Selectboard report out regarding the special committee for Volunteers Green and communication (Kristen, Mark, and Sheri).
D. Changes to the work plan for 2023-2024 discussion (see pages below- Sheri will point out recommendations for changes.
i. Discuss the possibility of February program/special events snowshoeing in each town.
ii. Other events or programs to consider supporting or hosting in spring? E. Meeting schedule moving forward.
F. Next meeting: Nov 7 set agenda items for the next meeting.
G. Adjourn: 8:30
Mark Fausel (Richmond), Kirsten Santor (Richmond), Kate Kreider (Richmond, Co-Chair), Sheri Lynn (Huntington, (Co-Chair), Vacant (Richmond), Vacant (Bolton)
Dec 26, 2024, 10 AM to 12 PM
Soup, Bread & Ale at the Sinclair InnDec 27, 2024, 5 to 7 PM
A Flamy New Year's EveDec 31, 2024, 7 to 10 PM