First and final multi family yardsale at 7 Hill st in Barre city. Big light blue house behind Reynolds Inn. With all the rainy weather we never got around to our sales so now is our first and last one for the season. Lots of brand new stuff and tons of gently used clothing. Mircowave oven. Steamer. Home decor. Too much to list! I highly encourage anyone affected by floods to pop in for some fairly priced winter clothing. Most brand new clothing items are 5.00 or less and will have clothes for as cheap as 25 cents! Too much to list so come see us Friday and Saturday September 29th and 30th! Anything not sold will be packed up for next year! Please do NOT park on the street. Park in driveways or the large parking lot across the street. Start time is 9am. NO EARLY BIRDS. IF YOU SHOW UP EARLY YOU WILL BE CHARGED TRIPLE. Everything from flood free, smoke free, clean homes.
Mar 6, 2025, 6:30 to 7 PM
Barre City Development Review Board Agenda March 6Mar 6, 2025, 7 PM
Harm Reduction HeroesMar 8, 2025, 12:30 to 2 PM