NPR's Martha Barnette at Brooks Memorial Library

Past event
Oct 4, 2023, 7 PM

Revel in surprising word histories, regional dialects, ancient linguistic roots, and modern slang with Martha Barnette, co-host of public radio's popular A Way with Words as she explores "The Joy of Lex" in the main reading room of Brooks Memorial Library, 224 Main St. Brattleboro. The show about words and how we use them — word and phrase origins, slang, regional dialects, writing well, books and reading, and that weird thing Grandma used to say is heard each week by listeners on National Public Radio affiliates across North America, and worldwide by podcast.

This is the premier Brattleboro program in the Vermont Humanities program series, Snapshot, the new iteration of the former First Wednesday series. Attendees can explore bold ideas and complex challenges with these pop-up events in libraries and community hubs all over the state from the comfort of one's couch or in community with neighbors. The full Fall schedule is available at This in-person event will also be live streamed. Please register on the Vermont Humanities website if you wish to receive the link for the live stream and other information about the event.

The program is free and open to the public, thanks to our sponsors; the Friends of Brooks Memorial Library and the Vermont Department of Libraries, through the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The venue is accessible to people in wheelchairs. For more information, call 802.254.5290 or visit

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Brooks Memorial Library, Main Street, Brattleboro, VT

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