Andrews Community Forest Committee

Past event
Sep 26, 2023, 6 to 8 PM

Andrews Community Forest Committee - Regular Meeting Agenda
Tuesday September 26th, 2023 - 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Location: Richmond Town Center Meeting Conf. Room A, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street
Meeting will be held in person but may also be joined online or by phone

Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 0932 2152
Passcode: 399802
Join by phone: dial 1 929 205 6099 (NY) and add meeting code

6:00 pm Standing Items:
Start recording Zoom.
Roll call and Quorum
Appoint time-keeper and minutes taker (should this become a rotating responsibility?)
Minutes of August 28th, 2023 meeting
Additions/Changes to Agenda
Note: Chairperson may recognize Public Comment period of each Agenda item.
(Public in person please move to the table with microphones and identify themselves).
6:10 Town Committee Representatives reports:
Trails Committee (Chase R.)
RCC (Daniel S.)
Discussion: procedures for reporting to Select Board.
6:20 Communications Director report (Daniel S.):
Procedure for managing written public comments – email address to be used.
Recent emails received; Emails etc. sent
6:30 Consideration of replacement ACFC Chairperson and Secretary.
6:45 Application(s) to join the ACFC, including any recommendations from RCC and TC
6:55 Subcommittee reports (in packet):
Trails Stewardship subcommittee (Chase R.) (Does Chase want to add a replacement for Caitlin?)
Comprehensive Management Plan subcommittee, including meeting with Tyler Machia (Melissa W.)
7:20 Proposal for a writer to help revise our Management Plan, incorporating subcommittee recommendations and other revisions: Scope of project and skills/ qualifications/ experience required.
(Town's RFP template in packet).
7: 35 Draft signage for kiosk (see packet) (1) Informational list that is an old version, with red highlight to indicate what should be changed; (2) Map of existing trails, not yet identifying those on which bicycles are permitted.
7:50 Short Reports: Talk at UVM with possible framework for deciding how to handle impacts of recreation on wildlife and other visitors to ACF. (Cecilia to report) and "The Crossing Paths of Recreation and Forest Management" webinar hosted by the Northern Forest Center. (Daniel S. and Ian S.)
7:55 Invasive plant control at the ACF – emailed update from EthanTapper. (in Packet)
8:00 Next meeting October 23rd 2023 (standardize to 4th Monday at 6pm as indicated on town website)
Entertain Motion to Adjourn

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203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT

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