Come for a stroll my dearies, and trade a shriek for a sweet...
Do you hear that? It's not the rustling of fall leaves, it's the whispered shuffling of costumed ghouls & boos, come to haunt the Common once more!
That's right, friends! We are bellowing for all mummies, monsters, ogres, elves and all Cousin IT's (-■_■) to the Westford Common on Sunday, October 29, 2022 from 1pm to 3pm for the 4th Annual Westford Halloween Walk!
This new tradition for Westford is a free spooky trick-or-treat walk for our Westford youngsters and young-at-heart folk, planned and (g)hosted by your Westford friends and neighbors. Volunteers from the community will conjure spooky décor for their trick-or-treat tables, which will be spread out on the Common. If possible, please bring a nonperishable food item to support the Westford Food Shelf. I have a feeling in my bones there will be games at the gazebo, for the little ones to burn off some of their sugar rush.
I heard from the Reaper that a new contest has arisen: best pumpkin carving & best painted pumpkins! Along with the pumpkin contest, we will still have a ghastly competition for the spookiest table decorations, so be sure to vote before you leave. More to come on prizes for best tables and pumpkins, but they will be hair-raising!
We are howling for volunteers who would decorate a spooky table and provide candy to our little boos. We also are seeking donations of extra bags of candy (which can be dropped off at the Westford Public Library). Finally, we are seeking donations of pumpkins, corn stalks, or a general donation to offset costs.
The 4th Annual Westford Halloween Walk has always been enjoyed and well attended by our little Westford boos, ghouls, and their families. It has always been made possible by the generosity and good Halloween vibes of the Westford community. Please consider hosting a table, making a donation, or simply joining us on Sunday 10/29/2023 from 1pm to 3pm to be part of this fun spooktacular new tradition.
For questions, donations, or to claim your table, please email your hosts with the most at
Carve out some time for some gourd Halloween fun!
Westford Halloween Walk Planners: Rebecca DaVanon, Kathleen Porter, George Elliott, and Kelly Morrill
Mar 3, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
Friends of the Library Breakfast, Lunch, & Bake SaleMar 4, 2025, 7 AM to 7 PM
Carnevale Fundraiser & Silent AuctionMar 8, 2025, 5:30 to 9 PM