Workshop for Social Workers & Mental Health Providers

Past event
Oct 16, 2023, 9 AM to 4 PM

Managing Disruptive and Challenging Child Behavior & Strengthening Families

Virtual Workshop: Monday, October 16 · 9am - 4pm EST

Instructor: Nicole Breslend, Ph.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist - Doctorate

Cost: $100.00

Approved for 6 CEUs for Social Workers, Allied Mental Health Practitioners , and Psychologists in Vermont

Child disruptive behavior problems are some of the most common reasons that children are referred for mental health services. These behavior problems include defiance with adults, aggression, tantrums, extreme testing of boundaries, attention-seeking, and rule breaking. Some common diagnoses for children with disruptive behaviors are Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. The most effective intervention for these issues is Behavioral Parent Coaching (aka Parent Management Training or simply "parent training") which works with caregivers to shape the environment of children with these behaviors to reduce their disruptive behaviors while strengthening family bonds. The behavioral parent coaching model is aimed at increasing positive family interactions and reducing negative ones and has more than 50 years of evidence supporting it's efficacy.

This 6-hour workshop for those in the mental health field will provide step-by-step guidance on how to effectively use one of the most common, and low-cost of implementation, programs: Helping the Noncompliant Child. The program is designed to be used with families of children ages 2 - 9. The trainer was personally mentored for almost ten years by the creator of this leading evidence-based program, Dr. Rex Forehand.

Goals: By the end of the workshop, participants who engaged in all activities will:

1. Understand cyclical processes that increase youth defiance and increase negative family interactions.
Learn about the core principles of behavioral parent coaching: one-on-one time, praise, active ignoring, clear instructions, and using reasonable, clear consequences for not ok behavior.
2. Apply the core guiding principles of behavioral parent coaching to helping families with children with behavioral issues.
3. Use effective coaching techniques to work with families in a non-judgmental, open way.

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