Selectboard Meeting

Past event
Sep 18, 2023, 7 PM

Meeting of the Town of Richmond Selectboard
September 18, 2023

Richmond Town Center Meeting Room, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT.
Meeting may also be joined online or by phone

Join Zoom Meeting Online:

Join by Phone: +1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 825 9576 1731
Passcode: 485921

7:00 PM 1. Welcome and Public Comment
7:03 PM 2. Additions, Deletions, or Modifications to Agenda
7:05 PM 3. Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present

a) Review of FEMA buyout, elevation, and relocation options for private homeowners # (10 min)
b) Consideration of approving a coin drop to support the Fire Department to be held on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023* (5 min)
c) Follow up on the Esplanade swale (10 min)
d) Consideration of appointing members to the Volunteers' Green and Browns Court Project Committee* # (10 min)
e) Consideration of allocating $150,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds for Library building restoration* # (10 min)
f) Update on policing from Interim Police Chief Anthony Cambridge including discussion of police cruisers and police data reporting # (30 min)
g) Consideration of appointing two Selectboard members to engage in negotiations with the Police Union* # (5 min)
h) Update on status of Radar Speed Feedback Signs (5 min)
i) Consideration of approving the Notice of Intent for the State's 3-acre stormwater rule as it pertains to the Southview Dr., Hidden Pines, and Mary Dr. subdivisions, possible executive session* (30 min)
j) Discussion of creating a no parking zone at the corner of Jericho Rd. and Southview Dr. # (10 min)
k) Consideration of requesting that Chittenden Country Regional Planning Commission conduct speed studies on the 45mph section of Cochran Rd. and the northern end of Huntington Rd.* (10 min)
l) Monthly Planning and Zoning update # (5 min)
m) Consideration of entering into an agreement with Chittenden Country Regional Planning Commission to serve as the Municipal Project Manager for the southern portion of the east side of Bridge St. Sidewalk Project* # (5 min)
n) Consideration of approval of Clean Water State Revolving Fund application for 20-year Wastewater Treatment Facility Evaluation* # (5 min)
o) Consideration of setting dates for FY25 Budget meetings* (5 min)

9:40 PM 4. Approval of Minutes, Warrants and Purchase Orders*
a) Minutes of 9/5/23*
b) Consideration of approval of use of Town Center Fund for work related to Town Center Project*
9:50 PM 5. Discuss Items for Next Agenda
10:00 PM 6. Executive Session if needed
10:05 PM 7. Adjourn

Time is available at each meeting for public comment. Documents related to this meeting are available at

If you would like to schedule a time with the Board or need assistance to participate in the meeting, please call Josh Arneson, Richmond Town Manager at 434-5170 or email Links to videos of Selectboard meetings can be found at
*Denotes Action Item # Indicates documents in the packet

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