Sec of State Meets at Putney Democrats Party Reorg

Past event
Sep 18, 2023, 6:30 to 8 AM

Vermont Secretary of State, Sarah Copeland Hanzas will be featured at the Putney Town Democrats Legally Required Town Political Party Reorganization on Sept 18 , 6:30 pm at the Putney Library, Main St., Putney VT.

Every 2 years, political parties at the Town, County and State levels are required to "reorganize" to remain viable political entities for the upcoming election cycle.
"Reorg" entails electing officers ( a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) as well as delegates to the County Committee- which then elects delegates to the State Party.

Sec. of State Copeland Hanzas will give an overview of the scope of practice within the Secretary of State's office. From the Office of Professional Regulation to seeing our Business community and also overseeing elections, the Sec. Of State is one of the busier offices in state government. The Secretary can also share some from the arc of her public service starting with being a Middle School teacher, State Representative and now Secretary of State and all that while raising 3 daughters with her husband.

Along with hearing from Secretary Copeland Hanzas, those gathered will conduct of required business for reorganization and then weigh in on the issues of the day to start the process of crafting the County and State Democrats Platform;

-With Women's Basic Rights to Health Care and Bodily Autonomy continuing to be under siege in other states, do Vermonters want to continue to be leaders in protecting those Rights?
-With Climate Chaos making its destructive presence an everyday part of our lives with extreme heat, floods, wildfire smoke etc., can Vermont be a leader in addressing this existential threat?
-How does Putney, Windham County and Vermont maintain the quality of life, and thriving economy, we enjoy with the population diminishing and the lack of housing making it hard for young people to stay or move here ?
-How do we make Vermont a more welcoming and Inclusive place for all who live here now, and might want to live here?
-And, How do we help Vermont continue to be the best place to live, work, raise a family and retire in- for both today and into the future?

All are welcome to join with Democrats locally , and across the state and nation to create that better today and better tomorrow we all want for all the people of Vermont.

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