Due to an unforeseen conflict, the Huntington Conservation Commission meeting will take place next Wednesday, September 20 (instead of September 14). Here is the agenda again with the new date.
Huntington Conservation Commission Agenda
Wednesday, September 20, 7-9 pm
Location: Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85402610009?pwd=TTJxWW5VOEk1bzBwc1dBNEZVYkFNQT09
1. Administrative
2. Texas Hill Pocket Park
3. Huntington Acres FEMA properties
4. Shaker Mt/Main Rd FEMA property
5. ARPA Funds discussion
6. Huntington Community Forest
7. Old Town Forest Management Plan
8. Wildlife Crossing on Hinesburg Hollow/ Geese Subcommittee
9. Native Plant Plot
10. Events
11. Other Outreach
12. Other Business
Feb 9, 2025, 10 to 11 AM
Mountain Gardeners PresentationFeb 11, 2025, 1:30 to 2:30 PM
Boost Your Nonprofit: Marketing That Makes a DifferenceFeb 12, 2025, 8 to 9:30 AM