The Town of Craftsbury is now producing electricity! The Craftsbury Energy Committee and town officials are holding a Ribbon Cutting Celebration on Thursday, Sept. 11 at 5:30 PM at the Town Garage on Creek Rd in Craftsbury. The Town’s solar tracker was installed in August and is producing one third of the town’s electricity. The data from the tracker will be available on the website of All Earth Renewables.
At last March's Town Meeting the voters of Craftsbury approved using the Good Neighbor Funds to install a solar tracker for the town. The Good Neighbor Funds come from Green Mountain Power because of Craftsbury’s location within the view shed of their Lowell Mountain Wind project.
Local and state officials have been invited. There will be a little music and a few words about the project plus food and beverages.
Curious people are encouraged to come and ask questions about the system. For more information call the Chair of the Craftsbury Energy Committee: Amelia Fritz at 586-2887.
Lisa Sammet, Secretary: Craftsbury Energy Committee
147a Creek Rd
Craftsbury, VT 05826
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