This is the last chance to sign up to bring paint, batteries or fluorescent bulbs to the Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District FREE collection this Wednesday, August 27, 5-7 pm at the Chelsea Transfer Station. In order to drop material off, residents MUST pre-register with us by calling 802-229-9383. For additional info read below:
What to bring?
As a part of Vermont's new Paint Care law, CVSWMD will be acceping all interior rand exterior architectural paints, including acryclics, latex, oil-based paints, stains and more. For a complete list of what you can and cannot bring, go to:
We also will accept batteries of any kind, but all non-alkeline batteries must be taped at each terminal end for safety in transporting.
Fluorescent bulbs will be accepted as well - if broken, please double-bag them as the bulbs contain toxic mercury and double bagging protects you and our staff.
All of these materials can also be brought to the CVSWMD Additional Recyclables Collection Center (ARCC) in Barre. For more information about the ARCC, go to:
For more info about CVSWMD, go to
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