Ward 1 NPA at Friends Meeting House Sept. 13

Past event
Sep 13, 2023, 7 PM

Friends and Neighbors,

This is a reminder that the Ward 1 NPA resumes on the second Wednesday of each month, so the next meeting is this Wednesday, September 13th. Please join us at the Friends Meeting House at 173 North Prospect St or over Zoom (link below). The meeting starts at 7PM, but come early to have a bite to eat. There will be food, conversation, and community. If you have never been to an NPA, we welcome you! If you are a regular or occasional attendee, we look forward to seeing you again.

Speakout offers time for anyone to talk about anything of concern to them about Ward 1 or the City. We will also hear from our elected officials, and we plan extended time for folks to talk about what they want our NPA to do and to be in the coming year. Also on the agenda, City Councilor Zoraya Hightower will provide perspective and context around public safety - before we can understand solutions, we need to understand the problem.

We look forward to your participation!

Here's the agenda:

Ward 1 Neighborhood Planning Assembly (NPA)
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 7:00 - 9:00 PM
In-person at the Friends Meeting House, 173 North Prospect Street
And Zoom online
Webinar ID: 962 4593 9050
Or by phone: +1 929 205 6099 ID= 962 4593 9050

6:30 Welcome and Food: Sam Ayotte
7:00 - Formal start - Introductions, Announcements
7:10 - Speakout - this is an opportunity to raise concerns and appreciations about Ward 1
7:40 - City Council updates - Zoraya Hightower, Tim Doherty
8:00 - School Commission update - Gary Golden and Aquilas Lokossou
8:05 - General discussion about topics for upcoming Ward 1 NPA meetings this year
8:30 - Overview of Public Safety (Zoraya Hightower)/ planning panels, discussions, action steps
9:00 - Adjourn

Upcoming activities:

The NPA is hosting a BBQ picnic at Schmanska Park Thursday October 5.
Our next NPA meeting is October 11, 2023 at the Friends Meeting House

Be well,

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Event Info

173 North Prospect Street, Burlington, VT

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