Barre City Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

Past event
Sep 14, 2023, 5:30 PM

Regular Meeting of the Barre City Planning Commission

Venue Options: Remote only meeting this month

Meeting ID: 893 0159 4299 Passcode: 815236
Phone: 1 (929) 205-6099 US (New York – Long distance rates will apply)

1. Call to order - 5:30 PM
2. Adjustments to the Agenda

3. Approval of Minutes
a. August 10, 2023

4. Public comment (for something not on the agenda)

5. Old Business
a. Status of RFP's: responses due by 4:30 pm on Sep. 14, 2023
b. ADU public reading at Council on Aug. 29, 2023: Discussion
c. North Main to Summer Street Plan: review and possible site visit

6. New Business
a. Chair Resignation
b. Election of Officers – election of replacement Chair
c. Neighborhood Development Area Designation Discussion

7. Confirm date of next meeting – October 12, 2023
8. Staff updates – as needed
9. Roundtable
10. Adjourn

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