The Brandon Select Board's Monday night regular meeting (in-person and Zoom options) will include the following non-routine items:
* Award bid for Newton Road Reconstruction
* Review policy for public car charging station at Conant Square parking lot
* Respond to Police Union initiation of collective bargaining process
* Discuss request for holding cell at Police Department HQ
* Consider establishment of working group for Shade Tree Preservation Project
* Semi-Annual Report from Energy Committee
* Discussion re BRAVO (Restorative Justice Committee)
* Appointment of Rutland Emergency Management Committee Representatives
-- Emergency Management Director (1-year term ending September 30, 2024)
-- Emergency Services Voter (1-year term ending September 30, 2024)
* Consider purchase order for deicing salt
Public comment is welcome and invited throughout.
Full details (the "board packet" with all reports, background documentation, etc.) may be read at the Select Board page of our town website:
Zoom Meeting ID: 253 279 4161