Dear Residents of Marlboro, VT -
This notice is to remind residents that the Marlboro Select Board will be holding the first of three informational meetings to gather resident input to the 2024 Town Meeting Warning/Ballot. The meeting will be held at the Marlboro Community Center at 2-4pm on Saturday, September 16, 2023.
The meeting will be a hybrid meeting with residents able to attend in person and via ZOOM. The ZOOM link will be available on the meeting agenda which will be posted outside of the town office and on the Select Board page of the town's website on Tuesday, September 12, 2023. In addition, the link can also be accessed on the Select Board page near the top, where it says "USE THIS LINK". For those who wish, there is also a phone-in option that is listed in both places.
The Select Board looks forward to this meeting and hopes you are able to attend.
If you are unable to attend this meeting, there will be two others before the end of the year, one on November 18, 2023 and one on December 16, 2023. The December meeting, while open to all discussions, will also focus on the town's Budget.
Thank you very much and we look forward to seeing you on Saturday the 16th.
Your Marlboro Select Board
Mar 12, 2025, 10 to 11 AM
Picture Book Storytime!Mar 13, 2025, 4 to 4:45 PM
Brattleboro Winter Farmers Market - Weekly Thru March!Mar 15, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM