If you are interested in joining BPW there will be a mandatory meeting Sunday, September 10th at the VFW Post #758 on Lake Street, St Albans at 1pm.
Over the past year, I've been working to revive BPW, an organization over a hundred years old and now on life support. I've talked to any woman who would listen to me. I've spent 2 days at the St Albans Farmers Market, 3 days at the Enosburg Dairy Festival talking to hundreds of women of which approximately 20 were willing to give us contact information. Only a few responded.
On Sunday September 10th the ship is going into the water. Whether it sinks or floats we will find out.
We need to elect a board so that we can function. Former position holders are needed to educate the newly elected. Volunteers for committees such as fund raising, scholarships, functions, membership recruitment, public relations, interviews coaching and public speaking coaching are needed.
BPW needs people, professional or not, to survive and fulfill its mission to advocate for women today as it has done in the past. We need new ideas to make us relevant in today's changing environment and shape tomorrow's world.
You don't have to be world famous to make a world of difference.
Please spread the word and attend.
Any questions call 782-1077
John Martel
Mar 3, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Introduction to Empowerment Self-Defense (Esd)Mar 5, 2025, 6 to 8:30 PM
Maker's Group is the 1st Thurs of the Month!Mar 6, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM