Monday, September 11, 2023, 6:30 p.m., 236 School Road, Guilford, VT
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Call to Order (ESTIMATED Time)
Rules of Procedure (2 minutes)
Welcoming of Public Community Comment Period (10 minutes)
Changes to Agenda Order (2 minutes)
Approval of Minutes (2 minutes; ACTION: Motion)
Minutes of the regular meeting of 08.28.23
Updates and Reports
Town Administrator (5 minutes)
Highway Commissioner (5 minutes)
Guilford Free Library (8 minutes)
Old Business
Conflict of Interest, proposed amendment (5 minutes; DISCUSSION, possible ACTION: Motion)
Selectboard relationship with Town attorney (8 minutes; DISCUSSION, possible ACTION: Motion)
Potash Road Discontinuation Request (5 minutes; DISCUSSION, possible ACTION: Motion)
New Business
Capital Improvement Plan (5 minutes; DISCUSSION, possible ACTION: Motion)
Property use agreement, radio equipment on Sweet Pond Rd (5 minutes; DISCUSSION, possible ACTION: Motion)
Finance (5 minutes; ACTION: Motion)
Payroll - WE 09.03.23 $7,392.10
Payroll – WE 09.10.23 $TBD
Expense Warrant #2405 $46,536.95
Expense Warrant #2405V $1,482.87
Expense Warrant #2405F $65.00
Other Business (2 minutes)
Correspondence (2 minutes)
Actions from Previous Meeting
Approved 8.14.23 meeting minutes
approved Ruck-up date
Approved Warrants
Approved adjustment to an Employee Contract
Action Taken
Actions to be Taken
Feb 23, 2025, 12 to 3 PM
Community Conversation: Vermont's Civic Health IndexFeb 26, 2025, 5:30 to 7:30 PM
American 250th: Brainstorming & Planning SessionsFeb 26, 2025, 6 to 8 PM