Rutland Cub Scout Pack 120 is having an open house for new and returning scouts, as well as any kids and parents in the community interested in Scouting. There are two dates – Wednesday September 3rd and Wednesday September 10th. The time is 6pm to 7pm at Christ the King Maroney Hall. We will be answering questions, explaining the program, and signing up kids for the new Cub Scout year. Kids from 7 years old (1st grade) thru 11 years old (5th grade) are Cub Scout age. We are very active, do great things in the community, and have a lot of fun. Come see what we do at the Open House
Mar 4, 2025, 5 to 6 PM
Chamber Educational MixerMar 5, 2025, 5 to 6:30 PM
Spark of Creation: Youth ConcertMar 9, 2025, 6 PM