Morristown Republican Town Caucus - Save the Date

Past event
Sep 19, 2023, 7 PM

The time has come to reorganize the Town Republican Committee. At the caucus they will elect new town committee members and officers. It will be Wednesday September 19th at 7:00PM at the Lamoille Senior Center on Main Street. All interested people residing in Morristown are urged to attend. The Committee members are able to represent the Town at County and State Caucus'. They are also prime candidates to run for the local office of Justice of the Peace. There may be some who cannot attend but would like to be on the Town Committee. Those folks need to let someone know as they cannot be added to the committee without their knowledge.

Long time Chair of the Town Committee, Emily Lapan, is stepping down so the seat will be open. She has done a wonderful job for many years. Interested candidates should attend and become known.

Republicans (GOP) support the constitutional precepts and tenets of personal liberty and responsibility. They believe government should be operated honestly, competently and responsibly. Only doing those things which individuals cannot do for themselves. They believe in fiscal responsibility. That governments should adopt budgets that are truly balanced and minimize long term liabilities. They believe in our state's proud history of fighting for our environment, keeping our community free from crime, supporting healthy families and caring for the vulnerable. Morristown Republicans are best fit to translate these principles into a positive and successful government. Please join us.

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