The Town of Isle La Motte will be holding multiple community board meetings on Wednesday, September 6th beginning at 6:00 PM. Please join us at the Isle La Motte School multi-purpose room or via Zoom.
6:00 PM - Board of Abatement
1. Call to Order
2. Additions to Agenda
3. Act on Abatement Requests from the Delinquent Tax Collector
4. Other Business
5. Adjourn
6:15 PM - Board of Civil Authority
1. Call to Order
2. Additions to Agenda
3. Biennial Review of the Voter Checklist + Certification of Completion of Biennial Purge of the Checklist
4. Other Business
5. Adjourn
6:30 PM - Selectboard
1. Call to Order
2. Additions to Agenda
3. Animal Control - Vicious Dog/Domestic Pet Complaint
4. Administration - Listers - Errors + Omissions, Approve minutes from 8/21 and 8/30, Warrants for payroll & payables, Follow-up on VEC bills, Review all legal bills from this fiscal year, Review Bank Statement Reconciliation and book to bank reconciliation, Review Auditor of Account document (Due June 30th), Discuss bringing in RHR Smith to discuss audit process & town finances, Define town officer roles, Purchasing policy, Personnel policy, IT Purchases - Selectboard + Town Office, Open Town Positions - status update, Review Office Assistant position & approve
5. Town Business - Road Name Change, Trimming of bushes at causeway park benches, Tree Stand ordinance/notice update
6. Emergency Management - VT-Alert Resolution
7. Isle La Motte School Transfer - Update on status of transfer, Action list post transfer
8. Contracts/Grants/Bids - Sunset View Lot 7A update
9. Animal Control - Former ACO - expenses due, Delinquent License - letter issuance
10. Roadways - Current status report, Roadside tree trimming bid update
11. Other Business
12. Adjourn
Zoom Link:
Phone: +1 646 558 8656 or find your local number at
Passcode: 437909
Meeting ID: 837 0408 0482
Should you have any issues connecting to the meeting, please email to receive a link via email; include your mobile number for a message via text.
Mar 1, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM
Invitation to Retired EducatorsMar 4, 2025, 12 to 2 PM
Zumba at Grand Isle SchoolMar 4, 2025, 6:15 to 7:15 PM