Moving Garage Sale!

Past event
Sep 3, 2023, 12 to 3 PM

Moving out of the ONE and have some things I just don't feel like schlepping around anymore:

-curtain sets
-dishes/bowls/serving bowls
-ice cream maker
-hangers/closet organizers
-picture frames
-some sports equipment (ski poles, hockey stick, ski helmet, etc)
-some small furniture drawer sets (solid wood)
-pillows (some bed, some throw)
-more odds and ends!

Swing by 354 Manhattan Drive between Noon and 3pm on Sunday, September 2. Please DO NOT PULL INTO THE PARKING AREA. If driving, park on the street please! You can always pull in to load items if need be, thanks for respecting my condo neighbors!

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354 Manhattan Drive, Burlington, VT

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