Comedy at Capitol Grounds

Past event
Aug 21, 2014

Thursday, 8/27, 7pm, $5

The following goofballs will be making people laugh on August 21st at 7pm at the Capitol Grounds Café (27 State Street, Montpelier 1.802.223.7800

Kathleen Kanz 10-12 minutes
Hillary Boone 12-15 minutes
Bob Thomas 10 minutes
Ellington Wells .10-12 minutes
Joshua Tzvi Schupp-Star 15-20 minutes

The Kathleen Kanz Comedy Hour happens at Capitol Grounds in Montpelier on the Third Thursday of each month. Capitol Grounds won the 2014 Daisy Award for Best Coffee Shop Outside BTV ! . We'll have some jokes, some laughs, some drink, some eat. We're hoping you'll join us. This is a swell room.

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