Harwood Boosters Annual Meeting

Past event
Sep 10, 2023, 7:30 AM to 9 PM

Harwood Booster is Back!

Thanks to the efforts of some key parents the Harwood Boosters is being reborn. The current board is meeting on September 10th, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. to hold our annual meeting and vote in the new board members. We will be working on a virtual option if there is interest in that idea. All interested parties are encouraged to join us in the Senior Cafe in the High School. Many of you may not have seen the Boosters in action because of Covid and then difficulty recruiting new members. We have an energized group ready to start envisioning what the future of the boosters will be. Do you want your voice heard? Do you want to have a part in deciding and helping grow the potential of the boosters to come? The Boosters are nothing without the voices that they represent. Who is the Booster's for? Well if you are a student, have a child, grandchild in the school, if you are a teacher, coach, school leader or janitor and everyone employed by Harwood High School, if you are a taxpayer then the Boosters wants to hear from and welcomes help from you.

Some other things that the Booster's do: Have banners made to hang in the Harwood gym for our championship sports teams, gives away 2-$500 scholarships to graduating seniors each year, provide art box of supplies to support fellow students in playoffs, provide trophies to 12 season athletes, support leadership training with financial assistance, sports/group grant application process, run concession's and give all teams and clubs at Harwood High School the opportunity to earn money for their groups. Ownership in the process is the best way to build investment in the outcomes.

Harwood Boosters began in 1972 and has a proud tradition for helping our student groups, teams and our student body as a whole. With a brand-new incoming board, it is a great opportunity to revitalize and reimagine where the Boosters goes in the future. Katie Pike is our staff representative and current VP. She has the experience for the past several years so she can be a great asset. I can assist from afar but am no longer able to be present the way a board member needs to be. I have been part of the Booster since 2015-2016. My primary duties have been as Treasurer. Recently I have also become the president during Covid because it got down to just Katie and me.

Members of Harwood Boosters enjoy the benefits of being involved in their children's education, meet other parents, teachers, administrators and a familiarity with the great student body at Harwood. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Harwood. The friendships I have made will stay with me long after my time at Harwood has ended.

If you are interested in joining this team Katie and I are willing to answer any questions.

Missy Semprebon 802-373-4546 missy@calmontbeverage.com Katie Pike 802-249-2517 kpike@huusd.org

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Harwood Union Middle and High School, Vermont Route 100, Moretown, VT

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