What's it like to make a home here?
Intergenerational Community Conversation for Royalton Residents
Monday, September 11 · 5:30 - 8pm EDT
Royalton Memorial Library - 23 Alexander Place Royalton, VT 05068
Free, dinner provided
Registration required - register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whats-it-like-to-make-a-home-here-tickets-706245207427
Join the White River Valley Consortium for an evening of storytelling, a yummy dinner and the warm company of your neighbors at the Royalton Memorial Library. Professionally facilitated by New Directions Consulting, this will be an empathetic, cross-generational, and open-minded space to share stories, strengthen connections, and enhance a mutual understanding of our communities' dynamics.
What was it like for you to make a home in Royalton?
What would make you feel more at-home here?
Over the course of the evening, you will get to know other participants of different and similar generations through sharing your experience of making a home here and listening to theirs. We will provide each participant with a gift card to further your connections over coffee or tea.
For more information and to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whats-it-like-to-make-a-home-here-tickets-706245207427
Or, you can contact sdanly@vitalcommunities.org with questions