Dear Vermont Community,
The Peace & Justice Center believes in the importance of teaching our young ones about love, peace, and respect and this summer we have been doing so through a series of events with our PJC Kids’ Club “A Global Gathering,” in which we explore and learn about different regions of our colorful world and the people that live in it. After exploring the Americas, Africa, and Europe we are ready to celebrate Asia and to host our very last event on Saturday August 23rd and you don’t want your kids to miss it! We are going to spend two hours playing fun games and activities with other children and our fun PJC staff! Our international guests have prepared fun and colorful crafting and outdoors activities that will be accompanied by a brief story of how they originated and are practiced in Asia. So bring your kids to the last event of this summer’s PJC Kids’ Club at the PJC on 60 Lake st, Burlington from 2 to 4pm so we can start building together that world we all dream of; a world where we leave behind the concept of a colorblind society and instead embrace and empower diversity!
This event is FREE and open to the whole community! We hope to see you and your family all there!