Sunday Worship Service

Past event
Aug 27, 2023, 10 to 11 AM

Please join us this summer on Sundays, in person, at 10:00am. All are welcome!

This Sunday, August 27th, we welcome back Stephen Finner, Ph.D to our pulpit. Steve's topic will be ""Why Are We Here?" Vincent Van Gogh asked "Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?" With the story of my religious journey as the roadmap, I have come to my answer as to why we are here which I will explore with you. You may not agree of course. But I promise you you will not be bored.

Steve Finner is the Director of Music at WUUC. He served as the volunteer Minister of Music of the St. Johnsbury Unitarian Universalist Congregation from 2002 through 2015. He is a published composer of UU worship music and next year will mark a half century of his being as he puts it "a member of this faith, freely chosen", and he has presented dozens of worship services during that time throughout this country as well as in England, Scotland, New Zealand and Australia. In his work life he has been a university professor, labor union organizer and political consultant.

Please join in on conversation, coffee, tea and cookies after the service.

We are located at 2938 VT Route 110 in the village of Washington, Vermont.

Please note: Due to the construction at the top of Route 110 in East Barre, detour onto "Old Route 302" (heading east before the roundabout) or "Tucker Road" in Orange (heading west after the Orange Town Clerk Office).

Our services feature a variety of wonderful speakers and interesting topics. For this summer's schedule please visit our website:

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