SB Meeting Monday

Past event
Aug 28, 2023, 6 to 8:30 PM


6:00 Call to Order; Additions or Changes to Agenda and Administrative Items
 Approve Minutes of August 14
 Sign Board Orders
 Sign Johnson Curb Cut Permit as approved on 8/14
 Sign documents to open a line of credit with Community Bank to cover flood-related expenses while awaiting FEMA reimbursement, as approved on 8/14

6:05 Public Comment: Up to 15 minutes; time will be divided so that everyone has equal time to speak

6:20 Errors and Omissions Certificate: Listers
Possible Action: Sign VT Form PVR-4261-E to amend one or more 2023 tax bills

6:30 Hiring Committee Report
 Update on hiring of Treasurer
 Review and discuss draft of Town Administrator job description
 Discussion about hiring new full-time member for the road crew; Should this person be a Foreman?

7:00 Miscellaneous
 Roadside Mower. Toby and Jordan. Plan for getting roads mowed this year and going forward.
Possible Actions: Sign agreement for rental of equipment and/or operator. Develop a plan for
purchase of a new machine.
 Town Payroll. Possible Action: Change payroll from weekly to biweekly.
 East Calais General Store Liquor License Application. The state requires towns to approve one-time and annual business liquor licenses before issuance. The SB previously authorized the Town Clerk to approve liquor licenses on our behalf, but it is unclear whether the authorization is for one-time catering licenses (eg a wedding), or whether it includes authorization for business licenses such as the Adamant Coop and the Maple Corner Store. Possible Actions: Vote to approve a liquor license for the East Calais Store. Vote to authorize the Town Clerk to approve and reapprove business licenses. Vote to authorize the Town Clerk to re-approve business licenses, but reserve approval of new business licenses to the SB.
 Annual Reauthorization of Agreement Between the Town and the Friends of the Calais Town Hall
This year the Friends propose to add language regarding use of the building by quasi-municipal organizations. Possible Action: Accept proposed language or revise proposed language and reauthorize annual agreement.
 Policy and Ordinance Review Committee. Anne W. and Teegan. Several of our policies and ordinances need updating, and Town Office staff feels that adoption of some new policies would provide them with needed guidance. Possible Action: Appoint a Policy and Ordinance Review Committee (which could consist of at least one member of the office staff and one Selectboard member) to prioritize work, work with others as appropriate, and bring recommendations to the SB, which may include language for update to old ordinances or policies, or creation of new ordinances or policies.

7:30 Selectboard Reports
 FEMA Team Report: Gabrielle Malina
 Curtis Pond Dam: Jamie Moorby and Gabrielle Malina
• Warn Selectboard meeting for the opening of bids on September 26 at 3pm, Town Office
Possible Action: Authorize Jamie to sign Amendment #2 to contract with Dubois and King authorizing them to oversee repair and construction of Dam.
 Roads: Anne Toolan and Jamie Moorby
 Collective Bargaining Team: Jamie Moorby, Anne Toolan, Jordan Keyes
• Addendum to Union Agreement. Due to a drafting error, the signed Agreement needs a change. Possible Action: Authorize SB Chair to sign addendum on behalf of SB
 Status of Shedd v. Calais: Anne Toolan and Jordan Keyes
 Process for Hiring a New Road Crew Member. Possible executive session to discuss.
 Possible Executive Session under 1 VSA Section 313 (a) (E) Pending or probable civil litigation to which the public body is a party.

8:30 Adjournment

Possible Executive Session if any of the above items require the Selectboard to discuss privately under Vermont Open Meeting Law. None other than Process for Hiring a New Road Crew Member anticipated at this time.

Note: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if items are completed more quickly than anticipated.

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