From Chittenden County Forester Ethan Tapper:
Hi all,
I'm reaching out to share an event I'm hosting this Saturday at the Catamount Community Forest (see details below) and my article for this month!
This Saturday's event will be the last chance to take a walk with me before we get started on the forest management project at the Catamount Community Forest (beginning September 1). For those of you who have been tuned into this project over the last three years -- and especially throughout this summer -- you know that there has been a massive effort to engage and educate the public about this exciting, important and impactful project through articles, press releases, videos, television appearances, social media, partnerships, in-person and virtual events, educational signage, a self-guided tour, story maps and more. In terms of the breadth and the depth of this proactive public outreach process, it is very possible that this is the most publicized forest management project ever done. Learn more about this project by checking out this new story map -- -- and the links and resources at the project's LinkTree:
My article for this month details some simple ways to make your work in the woods more efficient and impactful. It called is called Five Techniques For Managing a Forest Efficiently. You can read it here:[...]pdf
Managing Forests for Climate Change
Saturday, August 26, 1:00-3:00 PM
Join Dr. Tony D'Amato, of the University of Vermont, and Ethan Tapper, the Chittenden County Forester, for a free, public walk at the Catamount Community Forest in Williston. Ethan and Tony will lead a walk through an upcoming forest management area and discuss how to care for our forests in a changing climate.
This September, 25 acres of the Catamount Community Forest – a conserved community forest owned by the Town of Williston since 2019 – will be managed as part of a nation-wide collaborative effort called Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC). Led by Dr. D'Amato, the CCF will become a part of a nation-wide network of research and demonstration sites, which will help us learn more about how to care for forests in a changing climate. At the same time, the project at the CCF will showcase responsible forest management for climate resilience and adaptability, renewable resources, wildlife habitat, biodiversity, old growth characteristics and more.
Dr. D'Amato has been the chair of the University of Vermont's Forestry program since 2016. He has coauthored well over 100 peer-reviewed articles and is co-author of Ecological Silviculture: Foundations and Applications, Restoring Old Growth Characteristics to New England and New York's Forests, and Forest Carbon: An Essential Natural Solution for Climate Change. His research focuses on understanding both natural and managed forest systems, and how to manage forests in a responsible way in light of changing global conditions and societal objectives.
To join the walk, meet at the Catamount Family Outdoor Center parking lot at 553 Governor Chittenden Road, Williston. No registration is necessary – Just show up! Be prepared to walk about 1 mile on gravel trails and potentially uneven terrain, rain or shine.
Summer 2023 is all about the highlighting the upcoming Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) project at the Catamount Community Forest, which will take place in September. To learn more about the ASCC project at the CCF, check out a compilation of articles, videos and other resources about this project at the Catamount Community Forest LinkTree, here:
Check out my YouTube channel, sign up for my email list, read my article archive, stay posted about my various projects and see other links and resources at my LinkTree:
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Ethan Tapper
Chittenden County Forester
Sign up for my email list at:
Feb 27, 2025, 8:30 AM to 10:30 PM
Vermont Repertory Theatre: Sweeney ToddFeb 28, 2025, 7:30 to 10 PM
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