WRWA Annual Meeting Aug. 26

Past event
Aug 26, 2023, 10:30 AM to 2 PM

Windham Regional Woodlands Association's annual meeting.

The Windham Regional Woodland's Association will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, August 26th at The Molly Stark State Park Pavilion (rain date Sunday). The park is off Route 9 in Wilmington. (705 Rte 9 East, Wilmington, VT 05363) https://vtstateparks.com/ mollystark.html

Members and others are urged to attend.

A talk and a tour is anticipated to start around 10:30 with the meeting around 12 followed by a BYO picnic. Charcoal and grilling utensils etc. will be provided for those who want to make hamburgers, hot dogs, etc.

The park opens at 10 am. You will need to check in at the gate. Vermont residents over 62 can get a lifetime pass for all state parks from their town clerks office for two dollars. If you don't have one. or are not yet eligible because of your youth, tell the gate you are with the WRWA and the admission fee ($5) will be covered by the WRWA.

We look forward to another fun annual gathering of old friends and new this year.

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