Act 250 Hearing: Help Reduce Flood Risks

Past event
Aug 23, 2023

This is a reminder of the upcoming Act 250 hearing on the Hinesburg Center 2 (HC-2) development near Kinney Drugs, an area of town that recently flooded.

Let's advocate for Hinesburg to stop approving any development on flood plains, adjacent to wetlands, in the wake of recent flooding. The wetlands are Hinesburg's free flood insurance. We do not need to encroach any further on low-lying areas of town to create new housing. Please continue reading for ways to be involved and speak out.

The State Act 250 permitting process is holding a public hearing on Wednesday, August 23. There will be a site visit at 8:00 a.m., and the Act 250 Hearing will begin at 9:00 a.m., at the Hinesburg Town Offices. Please attend and/or share your thoughts with Kaitlin Hayes, District 4 Act 250 Coordinator,, 802-622-4084. Reference application # 4C1140-4. The complete Act 250 application materials are available online -

The Act 250 review is going to look at the fact that HC-2 is in the flood hazard area. The developers of the project want to put in fill, but their plans to include fill are currently inadequate and irresponsible, given the fact that climate change is going to continue to make our region wetter. The developers have not made a plan that will mitigate flood risk for the properties included in HC-2. Given what we've been through recently as a state, is it responsible for Hinesburg to create housing that runs the risk of being flooded? It is not a good idea for the town to set further precedent for growth in a flood hazard area.

Please consider the upcoming Planning Commission Meeting, also on August 23. You may wish to contact the Select Board to share your concerns about the proposed project:

Thank you.

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