Opportunity to Support Local Earth Repair Work

Past event
Aug 20, 2023, 10 AM to 4 PM

Join Mycolab Team and local community members in two events this sunday. Connect with community as we share in efforts to care for this degraded site while learning and practicing skills.

Ecological Restoration Workshop (10am-1pm)
Learn non-chemical, mechanical ways to remove nonnative species to support habitat rejuvenation for overall site restoration, pollinator habitat, and eventual remediation of this fragile urban, riparian habitat.
Learn safety protocols and botanical identification skills. Bring work gloves, water, option eye protection, and tools if you have them (pruners, oppers, saws, axes..). Wear sturdy boots, long socks, pants/sleeves for sun, tick and poison ivy protection.

This is followed by
Community Science (2-4 pm) through which we gather baseline ecological inventory of these sites, which will be used to help in their long term conservation, restoration, remediation, and rematriation.
No experience is necessary. Bring your phone if you want to contribute data to Inaturalist.a friend. All ages and abilities are welcome

If you have expertise in a particular area of natural history identification (i.e. ornithology, macroinvertebrates...) reach out to Jess so we can set you up to lead the group that day!

Because both sites we are inventorying are Superfund sites, wear footwear you can leave outside for 2 days on your porch. Note: the toxins are below the soil surface but in case any particulates enter the tread of your shoes, this is an extra precaution we encourage all site visitors to take.

Come to one or both. If you cannot make it this sunday mark your calendar for:
- September 10th when we will offer another ecological restoration workshop followed by Community Science.
-October 15th our last Community Science of the year

Location: 253 Pine Street Barge Canal Burlington VT 05401. Meet at the metal gate across from Dealer.com

For more information about Mycolab's work at the site check out: http://www.mycoevolve.net/mycolab.html

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