Town Selectboard Meeting - Important Item

Past event
Aug 21, 2023, 7 to 9 PM

At the Selectboard meeting on Monday there will be a presentation and discussion related to a Town charter. The main purpose of the charter is to establish a local option tax (LOT).

The LOT is essentially a 1% retail sales tax, and it would be applied in addition to the 6% sales tax collected by the state. As with the retail sales tax, groceries and most clothing would be exempt, as are motor vehicles. The tax would apply to meals at restaurants, purchases of alcohol, hotel rooms including short-term rentals, and internet purchases.

To give some context, had this tax been in place in 2022 the Town would have collected $600,000 in revenue, which is 50% more than our entire paving budget.

I note this meeting is an early step in a more detailed process. In the event the Selectboard decides to move forward there will be a series of public meetings, culminating in a town wide vote.

But Monday is an early opportunity to hear more details about the proposal and to provide the Selectboard with your input. The meeting begins at 7:00 and the presentation on the Town Charter and local option tax begins at 8:15. We hope to hear from you on Monday.

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Steele Room, Town Hall

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