Open at 9. 7 Family Yard Sale: Lots of Miscellaneous hardware, remains from a hardware store, radial arm saw, drill press, joiner, band saw, table saw, grinder, filing cabinet, miscellaneous hand tools, DVDs, CD (diverse collection), B & D string trimmer, dehumidifier, computerized exercise bike, pots, houseplants, kitchen stuff, sports equipment, including soccer cleats and baseball items, new briefcase, huge amount of children's clothes from size 2T and up (mostly boys/maybe some unisex) , puzzles, huge selection of books, school supplies and backpacks and many more items! Also maybe some baked goods!!! 91 Seymour Street, Middlebury... Saturday, August 19, 9-2 and Sunday, August 20, 9-1, ( hours may go later for some sales and traffic flow but others may close)
SAT and SUN will be beautiful weather so come check us out!!!!!
Mar 3, 2025, 6 PM
Art Opening for Watercolorist Trevor TebbsMar 7, 2025, 4:30 to 5:30 PM
Douglas Brooks Presentation on Boat BuildingMar 9, 2025, 2 to 3 PM