7:00 pm Call to order
Approve agenda
Public comment and announcements
7:15 Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
7:20 Road Foreman/Road Commissioner report
-electric cables under roads
- Brook Road paving
- storm drains follow-up
7:35 New Co-op sign
7:45 Old Home Day/100 Years of Service celebration
7:50 Ice Cream Social update
7:55 Set public hearing for Town Plan
8:00 Quitclaim deed for Klein/Ziegler property
8:05 Town Hall update
- drainage work
- mold remediation work
- ramp-bridge on Harvey Hill side
- heating system repair
- on-line fundraising project
8:20 Historic Preservation grant application for the Town’s old fire station
8:25 LED switch-over presentation
8:35 Site visit for new LEDs on Mill and Brook
8:50 Decision on LEDs
8:55 Approve minutes of 8/12/13 regular meeting and 8/22/13 special meeting
9:00 pm Adjourn*
The meeting will be at the Plainfield Municipal Building, 149 Main Street (side entrance).
*Times are approximate.